What's In the Secret Roadmap?


Practice the First 3 Steps

Francine Juhlin the Warrior Princess of Personal Change developed

The 6-Step Process for Personal Change

to help you discover the power you already have.

The First Step of the 6-Step Process is identifying why you feel uncomfortable.

In Step Two, you will gather your thoughts about your Yucky situation.

Finding the root cause of your Yuck is Step Three.

What will you do with this new knowledge?

Step Four is to declare your intentions for moving forward.

Setting yourself up for sustainable change in the first four steps will ensure the change you make in Step Five sticks.

Step Six is the fun one. Dust off your creativity and find your inner child to write a new story. Draw pictures...Write a Fairytale...Have fun with it.

In this course, you will discover how to prepare your mind for change. Practice making tiny thought shifts that will add up to powerful changes in your life. Learn about new tools to use to help you form your new thought habits. When you finish this Course, you will have completed the first Three Steps of the 6-Step Process for Personal Change and will be well on your way to declaring your intentions for lasting change.

What if - THE SECRET TO EVERYTHING YOU WANT IS HIDDEN INSIDE OF YOU and all you have to do is change your mind?


The Secret Roadmap to Unlock Your Inner Power

Do you want to unlock the secrets to having


in yourself? 


1) Includes the Video Course with the Workbook.

2) Bonus Tools

3) Free Gift - 5 Essential Oils Samples and Emotional Aroma Therapy guide delivered via the United States Parcel Service.

Getting Ready

While you wait for your essential oils samples, practice relaxing with guided meditations.  Do your SWAT Analysis found in the Work Book.

Let's Get Started Video

In this video, you will learn a new way to look at yourself.  Seeing yourself more positively opens new paths in your brain to attract more positive thoughts.  Continue your meditation practice using the essential oils to help you achieve deeper relaxation and feel the positivity flow.  What is your SUPERPOWER?

Life is Happening For Me, Not To Me

When something happens to you, do you say "WHY ME"?  Learn how to shift the narrative and ask what can I learn.  This simple thought shift can help you discover lessons to break the patterns of old habits.

It Isn't Really That Bad.  A Lesson From Iraq.

Have you ever thwarted death?  When I was in Iraq, baby pictures saved my life.  Learn how this near miss changed the way I look at the world.

Next Steps

You have completed the first three steps in the 6-Step Process for Personal Change.  Find out the next step to lasting change. 


Personal Change Warriors:

Whether you feel like a Warrior or Not

Your Journey Starts Here

Meet Your Guide: Francine Juhlin

The Warrior Princess of Personal Change

<video width="540" height="310" controls oncontextmenu="return false;"> <source src="https://cdn.personalchangewarriors.com/welcometopersonalchangewarriors.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>
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