Revolutionize Your Life With

Francine Juhlin's Battle Cry for

Personal Transformation!

Francine Juhlin is the

Warrior Princess of Personal Change!

 As an author, speaker, and coach, Francine empowers individuals like you to embrace transformative tools and navigate the winds of change with fun and confidence.

Let Francine be your guiding light on the journey to self-discovery and personal growth! With her expertise, she empowers you to unleash your boundless potential and illuminate the path to your brightest future.

Imagine the Possibilities

Busy Professionals, Learn and Grow!

Let Your Mind Be Flexible

Are you a female professional feeling stuck in the grind, watching life seemingly pass by? It’s time to break free from just surviving and start thriving! Unlock the secrets to personal growth and transformative change using our exclusive

6-Step Process of Personal Change. Learn actionable strategies and gain practical insights that can help you transform your life into one that


Copyright © 2023 Personal Change Warriors LLC

How the

6-Step Process of Personal Change

Was Born

From Disabled to Thriving!

After facing numerous life challenges, including a significant health scare that had me on more medications than I could count, I found myself in dire need of change—not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. What followed was not just a journey of shedding pounds but a profound transformation of my entire life perspective. Here’s how I transitioned from feeling like a human-shaped marshmallow to discovering a life filled with purpose and joy.

Many busy professionals believe that losing weight is the golden key to unlocking ultimate happiness and satisfaction. I, too, was under this spell. However, true happiness began to unfold only when I realized that weight loss was merely one piece of the puzzle. The real transformation comes from adjusting our internal compass and expectations about what life should be like post-transformation.

I foolishly believed that shedding excess weight would unlock a secret portal to a life of effortless ease and perpetual amusement. Boy, was I mistaken!

And then, I unearthed a wondrous revelation.

It dawned upon me that all I needed to do was tweak my perception to unveil a treasure chest of infinite possibilities.

While mentors and coaches provided invaluable advice, it often felt like they were giving me pieces of a puzzle without the picture on the box. I realized the importance of creating my own roadmap based on personal values and experiences. This self-directed path empowered me to take ownership of my journey.

Drawing from my diverse experiences in the military, industrial settings, and corporate sectors, I applied structured change management principles to my personal development. This approach helped streamline my transformation, making it more manageable and less overwhelming.

After much trial and error and leveraging my background as a change management specialist, I crafted a six-step process tailored for busy professionals.

Losing 100 pounds was just the beginning. The true success came in retiring from a job that no longer served me and discovering my calling, which reinvigorated my daily existence. This holistic approach ensured that my physical changes were accompanied by emotional and spiritual growth.

The ultimate reward of this arduous journey was finding daily happiness and fulfillment in my life’s new direction. This transformation allowed me to not just live but thrive, embracing joy in ways I had never imagined possible.

Have You Made Changes?

Do You Need To GET ON STAGE?

Strategic Storytelling Magic Part 1:

The Art of the Introduction

Does public speaking frighten you?

What if you could learn how to harness that nervous energy and turn it into positive energy?

Would you spend 90 minutes on Zoom to learn more?

Step into greatness and elevate your life to new heights with the Confidence Club. Start your journey today.

Do You Need an



The Confidence Club Is

Here For YOU!

Are you ready to realize your dreams and awaken each day with unshakeable confidence? Introducing a groundbreaking program designed to fuel your ambitions and drive your success. Discover the power within you through our transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

The Confidence Club offers tools that help you implement the

6-Step Process for Personal Change. These tools will help you cultivate resilience and self-belief, empowering you to overcome any obstacle. Don't let self-doubt hinder your progress any longer. Explore the transformative journey that awaits and unleash your true potential.

Let's Start Brainstorming Your Next Step!

What Could You Do With More 





Jacksonville, Florida 32210 USA

Copyright © 2024. Personal Change Warriors LLC

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